Kenya is quickly becoming a popular African tourist destination, as the landscape is beautiful, the wildlife is diverse, and the people are warm and welcoming. Kenyan travel does have some differences compared to traveling abroad to many other destinations, so it's important to know these helpful tips that will help you prepare for an awesome trip.
1. Protect Against Illness
The climate in Kenya is much different than it is in the US, and this has given rise to illnesses and diseases that aren't a concern here. You will need to get some vaccination before you travel to Kenya, which will include a yellow fever vaccination. You may also need to take medication to help prevent malaria. Further, make sure to bring plenty of any prescription medication that you may take, as it isn't always easy to refill prescriptions when traveling.
2. Check Your Paperwork
There are some passport and visa restrictions when traveling to Kenya, namely that your passport cannot expire within 6 months of your travel dates. Make sure you renew well in advance of your trip. Another restriction that can be easily overlooked is that your passport must have at least two blank pages inside. If there are fewer than two, you need to order extra passport pages before traveling. Always check for travel restrictions as your trip day approaches, as these can change.
3. Minimize Luggage Size
Traveling around Kenya is typically done by private car, bus, or small aircraft. Luggage restrictions can be very strict on a crowded bus or small plane, so less is more when it comes to packing and suitcase size. This is especially true if you plan to go on safari, whether with a private guide or a group, as gear for food and shelter will take precedence over fitting your suitcase in the vehicle.
4. Dress Appropriately
The basic clothing guideline is to bring clothing appropriate to the season. Mosquitoes can be especially troublesome, so modern outdoor clothing that comes pre-treated with insect repellent is useful. There may also be some color restrictions if you plan to spend time viewing animals, as bright colors that make you stand out should be avoided. Tan and khaki are usually safe options. Just keep in mind that unlike in the US, camouflage clothing is not worn by individuals in Kenya.
Contact a Kenya vacation planner for more help when preparing for a trip of a lifetime. For more information, contact a company like Ebony Global Travel & Tours.